

Character-Number of Deaths-Cause

Android #13-1-Killed when Goku punched through his stomoch in movie 7.

Android #14- 1 -Killed by Trunks in movie 7.

Android #15- 1 -Killed by Vegeta in movie 7.

Android #16-1 -Killed when Cell crushed his head.

Android #17- 2 -Killed when Cell self destructs
-Killed by Trunks in Future Trunks' timeline.

Android #18- 2 -Killed when Buu destroy's the Earth -Killed by Trunks in Future Trunks' timeline.

Android #19- 2 -Killed by Vegeta's Big Bang Attack
-Killed by Trunks in GT

Android #20- 3 -Killed by 17
-Killed by 17 in Future Trunks' timeline
-Killed by Super 17 in GT

Apple- 1 -Killed by Vegeta

Babi- 1 -Killed by Goku in GT

Babidi- 1 -Killed when Buu turns on him.

Bibidi- 1 -Killed by East Kaio-shin

Bardock- 1 -Killed by Frieza when he destroyed planet Vegeta

Bojack- 1 -Killed with one hit by Gohan in movie 9.

Dr. Briefs- 1 -Killed by Buu

Mrs. Briefs- 1 -Killed by Buu

Brolly- 1 -Killed by Gohan, Goku, and Goten's tripple Kamehameha.

Bubbles- 1 -Killed when Cell self destructs.

Bulma- 1 -Turned into chocolate and eaten by Buu

Burter- 1 -Killed when his head is crushed by Vegeta.

Buu- 1 -Killed by Goku's Spirit Bomb.

Bora- 2 -Impailed by Tao Pai Pai
-Killed when Buu kills all life on Earth.

Blue Shogun- 1 -Killed by Tao Pai Pai

Black- 1 -Killed by Goku

Boss Rabbit- 1 -Killed when Kame-sennin blows up the moon.

Cell 2- -Destroyed by Gohan's Kamehameha
-Killed by Trunks in his timeline.

Cell Jr's- 1 -All 7 killed by Gohan

Chaozu- 4 -Killed by Demon Piccolo
-Killed when he self destructs on Nappa
-Killed when Buu destroys Earth
-Killed by the Androids in Future Trunks' timeline.

Chi-Chi- 1 -Killed by Buu when he turns her into an egg and crushes it

Chii-Shenlon- 1 -Killed by Goku in GT

Cybal- 1 -Sliced by Yajirobe.

Dabura- 1 -Killed when eaten by Buu.

Dende- 1 -Killed by Frieza.

Dodoria- 1 -Killed by Vegeta.

Dai Kaio-shin of 15 generations back- 1 -Sacraficed his life to give Goku his back.

Drum- 1 -Decapitated by Goku.

Frieza- 2 -Killed by Trunks
-Killed by Goku in Trunks' timeline.

Garlic- 1 -Destroyed by Kami-samma.

Captain Ginyu- 1 -Killed when Buu destroys Earth (of course he was a frog)

Guldo- 1 -Decapitated by Vegeta

Gohan- 1 -Killed when Buu destroys Earth

Giran- 1 -Killed by Tambourine

Grandpa Gohan- 1 -Crushed by Oozaru Goku.

Goku- 3 -Killed by Piccolo's Makankosappo
-Killed when Cell self destructs
-Killed by heart disease in Trunks' timeline

Goten- 1 -Killed when Buu blows up the Earth

Gyuu Maio- 1 -Eaten by Super Buu

Great Elder- 2 -Died of grief on Namek
-Died naturally on Earth

Gregory- 1 -Killed when Cell self destructed

Hildegarn- 1 -Killed by Goku's dragon fist attack in movie 13.

Janemba- 1 -Killed by Gogeta in movie 12.

Jeice- 1 -Killed by Vegeta.

Kame-sennin- 2 -Killed when attempting the Mafuba attack on Demon Piccolo
-Eaten by Super Buu

Kami- 1 -Died when Piccolo was killed by Nappa.
-Died when Androids killed Piccolo in Trunks' timeline.

Karin- 1 -Killed when Buu blows up the Earth.

Kibit- 1 -Killed by Dabura

Koola- 1 -Killed by Goku

King Kold- 2 -Killed by Trunks
-Killed by Goku in Trunks' timeline.

East Kaio-sama - 1 -Killed when Cell self destructed.

Krillin- 5 -Killed by Tambourine in DB
-Blown up by Frieza
-Eaten by Buu
-Killed by Android 17 in GT
-Killed by the Androids in Trunks' timeline.

Kuwi- 1 -Killed by Vegeta

Lunch- 1 -Killed by Buu's genocide

Mai- 1 -Killed by Buu's genocide

Marron- 1 -Killed by Buu

Minosha- 1 -Killed by Hildegarn

Dr. Myuu- 2 -Killed by Bebi
-Killed by Super 17

Mustard- 1 -Killed by Gohan

Namu- 2 -Killed by Tambourine
-Killed by Buu's genocide

Nappa- 2 -Killed by Vegeta
-Killed again by Vegeta in GT

Oolong- 1 -Eaten by Buu

Paragas- 1 -Killed by Brolly

Piccolo- 4 -Killed by Nappa
-When Buu blew up Earth
-Killed when Earth explodes in GT
-Killed by the Androids in Trunks' timeling

Demon Piccolo- 1 -Killed when Goku rips through him

Pilaf- 1 -Killed by Buu's genocide

Mr. Popo- 1 -Killed by Buu

Puar- 1 -Killed by Buu

Raditz- 1 -Killed by Piccolo

Recoom- 1 -Killed by Vegeta

Ryan-Shenlon- 1 -Killed by Goku

Ryuu-Shenlon- 1 -Killed by Goku

Commander Red- 1 -Shot in the head by Black

Red Ribbon Army- 1 -Destroyed by Goku

Salt- 1 -Killed by Gohan

San-Shenlon- 1 -Killed by Goku

Shenlon- 1 -Killed by Demon Piccolo

Shu- 1 -Killed by Buu's genocide

Slug- 1 -Killed by Goku in movie 4

Suu-Shenlon- 1 -Killed by Ii-Shenlon

Super 17- 1 -Killed by Goku and Android 18

Spice- 1 -Killed by Gohan

Supopovitch- 1 -Killed by Babidi

Tambourine- 1 -Killed by Goku

Turles- 1 -Killed by Goku's Spirit Bomb in movie 3

Tien- 3 -Killed by his Kikoho while fighting Nappa
-Killed when Buu destroyed Earth
-Killed in Trunks' future

Trunks- 3 -Killed by Cell in regular timeline
-Killed by Cell in Cell's timeline
-Killed when Buu destroyed Earth

Toma- 1 -Killed by Dodoria

Umi-game- 1 -Killed by Buu's genocide

Ubuu- 1 -Accidentally turned into chocolate and eaten by Bebi Vegeta

Uu-Shenlon- 1 -Killed by Goku

Upa- 1 -Killed by Buu's genocide

Vegeta- 3 -Killed by Frieza
-Killed he self destructs to kill Buu
-Killed by androids in Trunks' future

King Vegeta- 1 -Killed by Frieza

Videl- 1 -Eaten by Buu

Vinegar- 1 -Killed by Gohan

Yajirobe- 2 -Killed when Buu destroys Earth
-Killed in Trunks' future

Yakon- 1 -Killed by Goku

Yam- 1 -Killed by Babidi

Yamcha- 3 -Killed by Saibaman's kamekaze attack
-Eaten by Buu
-Killed by androids in Trunks' timeline

Zarbon- 1 -Blown away by Vegeta

Characters Who NEVER died.

All who were born after the Buu saga -There were no mass genocides after the Buu saga so those born afterwards were all spared.

Enma -Although we don't really know if he is alive, Enma never died during DBZ.

Fat Buu -Although absorbed by Skinny Buu he does not die and is finally spit out again.

Garlic Jr. -Granted immortality by Shenlon therefore he never died.

Mr. Satan -Through all his run-ins with such powerful foes he never once died, although he came close a few times.

All Kaio-sama's except North -They aren't really important in DBZ but none the less they never died.

Urunai Baba -Baba never dies because she is never in any fights

East Kaio-shin -East Kaio-shin barely escaped death a couple times and eventually fused into Kaiobit but, he never died.


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