

Saiyan Saga

.....The Saiyan Saga is the first saga in Dragon Ball Z. The saga begins when a strange warrior by the name of Raditz lands on Earth. Meanwhile Goku, his son Gohan, Bulma, and Krillin are at Master Roshi's island for a reunion. In the middle of their fun the stranger Raditz lands on Roshi's island. He tells Goku that he is a from a planet inhabited by a race of space pirates known as the Saiyans. He also tells Goku that he(Goku) is his brother and that his real name is Kakarotto. He says that Goku was sent to Earth to destroy all life on the planet so that it can be inhabited by the highest bidder. Fortuantly for Earth Goku incountered a head injury as a child therefore forgetting his past. Raditz tells Goku to join him in destroying the planet but of course Goku refuses. Raditz takes Gohan and tells Goku that he won't see his son again unless Goku joins him. Riditz flies off with Gohan to his ship and awaits Goku's answer.

.....Goku, Krillin, and Roshi ponder what to do when Piccolo appears above. Him and Goku team up and head to Raditz's ship to face him as a team. They get there and begin to fight. Raditz is much stronger than both of them together. Not even the Kamehameha worked. Things look pretty down until Piccolo tells Goku that he has a new technique that can defeat Raditz. The only downside is that he needs 5 minutes to gather energy for it. Goku holds of Raditz long enough but when Piccolo fires it Raditz dodges it. Raditz soon has Goku pinned on the ground crushing his ribs. Gohan sees this from Raditz's ship and blasts out and nails Raditz in the stomach with increadible force. This blow weakens Raditz enough for Goku to grab him from behind and restrain him long enough for Piccolo to hit him with his Makankasoppo (special beam cannon). Unfortuanatly Goku is hit with it as well.

.....Goku and Raditz both die. Everything seems fixed but as Raditz dies he tells Piccolo that his fellow Saiyans will come avenge his death in 1 year. Piccolo takes Gohan to train him for the fight. Krillin, Tien, Chauzu, Yamcha, and Yajirobe all go to Kame's Sancturary to train with him as Goku did. In the after life Goku goes on a journey along Snake Way to get training from the great King Ki. Much time passes and Goku finally gets to King Ki's planet. He starts training while the Z Warriors on Earth prepare as well.

.....One year passes and the Saiyan's finally arrive on Earth. Goku is wished back to life but has to travel all the way back on snake way. On Earth the Saiyans track down Piccolo and Gohan with their scouters and soon arrive to fight them. Soon after the rest of the Z warriors arrive to fight as well. The first fight is between Yamcha and one of the Saibamen. Yamcha easily defeats the Saibaman but the Saibaman uses a surprise attack and blows up himself and Yamcha. This pisses Krillin and he destroys the rest of the Saibamen with one blast.

.....Nappa then attacks and beats everyone. First Chouzu is killed trying a kamakaze attack on Nappa. Then Tien is dies after doing a Kikoho. Piccolo along with Kame is then killed protecting Gohan. Then, as Nappa is about to kill Gohan, Goku finally arrives and with the help of his Kintoun saves

Gohan. He then starts to fight Nappa alone. Amazingly he totally whips up on Nappa. Nappa can't even touch Goku. Goku defeats Nappa, throws him over to Vegeta, and tells him to go home. Vegeta proceeds to kill Nappa. Goku tells Krillin and Gohan to go home. Vegeta and Goku fly off to start thier fight.

.....The fight is pretty even until Goku uses his Kamehameha with Kaoken x 4, but just as he gains the upperhand Vegeta transforms into Oozaru form. Goku is no match for him. Just as Vegeta is about to do in Goku but Gohan and Krillin distract Vegeta. They have to cut his tail so that he will transform back but he's too fast. Just as everything seem over Yajirobe slices Vegeta's tail off. After he transforms Gohan starts to fight him. While they're fighting Goku gives Krillin what's left of the energy he gathered for a Spirit Bomb earlier. Krillin throws the bomb at Vegeta but he sees it and dodges it. Fortuanatly Gohan has a pure heart and bounces the Spirit Bomb back at hits Vegeta with it. The warriors believe that Vegeta has finally been defeated but he falls back to Earth very very pissed. It looks bad until Gohan transforms into Oozaru form. Being hurt during the fight Vegeta can't stop Oozaru Gohan. After a while Vegeta finally slices Gohan's tail off but unfortunatly Gohan falls on Vegeta crushing him. A beaten Vegeta calls his space pod to leave the planet. As he is crawling to the ship Krillin gets Yajirobe's sword and is about to kill Vegeta when Goku gives him a telapathic call. Goku tells him not to stoop to Vegeta's level and kill him. After a long discussion Krillin decides to let Vegeta go. Vegeta flies off and once again the Earth is safe.

Frieza Saga

.....During the fight with the Saiyans Piccolo and Kame were killed. Since Kame created the dragon balls when he died the balls disapeared as well. Since the dragon balls disapeared the Z warriors couldn't wish their friends back. This means they have to get dragon balls from the place where Kame came from, planet Namek. Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma fly off to planet Namek in the ship that Kame came to Earth in. After a run in with a some fellow space travellers and a fake planet Namek the guys finally reach planet Namek.

.....We soon find out that during this time Vegeta has been completely healed and has headed off to planet Namek to stop and evil tyrant known as Freiza from wishing for immortality. When our friends from Earth land on namek they find that there are many strong powers on planet Namek. And soon another, Vegeta, lands as well. After finding lodgings in a nearby cave, Gohan and Krillin leave to investigate the large powers. They hide out on a cliff above a Namek village being invaded by the tyrant Frieza and his henchmen. Just as Frieza's henchman Dodoria is about to kill a small Namekian child named Dende, Gohan gets pissed and whacks Dodoria into a house. Krillin grabs Dende and flies off with Gohan. Dodoria chases after but thanks to Tiens solar flair technique they are able to escape Dodoria.

.....As Dodoria is trying to find his way back to Frieza he runs into Vegeta. With Vegeta's new strenght the easily subdues Dodoria. Dodoria tells Vegeta that he'll tell Vegeta what really happened to his home planet if he lets him go. Vegeta does and Dodoria tells him that it wasn't a metior shower that destroys his home planet but instead it was Freiza. He also tells him that Frieza destroyed the planet because he was afraid that the Saiyans were to strong. In return for this information Vegeta blasts Dodoria into oblivion.

.....When Gohan, Krillin, and Dende get back to the cave Bulma tells them that Goku has been healed and has taken of for planet Namek. She says he will be there in 6 days. Krillin decides to take Dende to the Great Elder's house to get a dragon ball. During this time Vegeta finds a Namek village and kills everyone there. He takes the dragon ball and hides it in the water beside the village. He flies off and meets up with Frieza's right hand man Zarbon. Vegeta beats up Zarbon until Zarbon transforms. Zarbon gains the upper hand and soon defeats Vegeta and flies back to report it to Frieza. Frieza gets pissed because he didn't confirm that Vegeta was dead. So Zarbon heads back out, finds Vegeta, and takes him back to get healed so that he can tell Frieza where the rest of the balls are. Things don't work out as planned because of Vegeta's new ability to lower his power level. Vegeta breaks out of the rejuvination tank, distracts Frieza and Zarbon, and steals Frieza's 5 dragon balls.

.....Vegeta puts his balls in a cave and waits for a chance to get the other ball. Krillin and Dende finally make it to the Great Elder's and he gives Krillin his ball. He also realeses the hidden power within Krillin. Krillin then flies off alone with the ball. Unfortunatly he flies by Vegeta. Vegeta starts chasing and soon after Zarbon starts chasing Vegeta. Krillin gets back to Bulma only to find Vegeta and Zarbon on his tail. They both arrive and start fighting. Once again Zarbon transforms but this time he can't get the upper hand because Vegeta gained more power after being healed. Vegeta kills Zarbon and takes Krillin's dragon ball.

.....Bulma tells Krillin that Gohan went to get the ball that Vegeta took fromt he village. Gohan succeeds but on his way back he encounters Vegeta. Vegeta, being over confident because he thinks he has all the balls, only knees Gohan in the stomoch. Fortunatly he didn't see the dragon ball Gohan had hidden. Gohan makes it back and Krillin decides to take Gohan back to the Great Elder's so he can release Gohan's hidden powers. Back at Frieza's ship Frieza ordered his special Ginyu Forces to come to Namek with scouters.

.....Vegeta soon figures out that Gohan had stolen his dragon ball so he goes chasing them. Gohan and Krillin get to the get to the Great Elder's just in time. Gohan's powers are released and Vegeta thinks that it is Kakkarotto in the house. Gohan soon comes out and Vegeta laughs. Just then they feel the 5 large powers comming to the planet. Vegeta realizes that it is the Ginyu Force and demands that Krillin gives him the final dragon ball. Krillin refuses until Vegeta tells him that they'll all be killed by the Ginyu Force unless they let him wish for immortality. Krillin halfway agrees and they fly off to get the final dragon ball.

.....They get the dragon ball and head off to Vegeta's stash. Just as they get there though the Ginyu Force arrives. They steal the balls and Captain Ginyu takes them to Frieza. The battle with the Ginyu Force now begins.

Frieza Saga Part 2

.....Guldo starts off the fight against Gohan and Krillin. They pretty much have the upper hand until he uses his time freeze attack. This traps Gohan and Krillin dead in their tracks. He then starts beating on them. He decides to do them in by impailing them with a tree trunk. Luckily Vegeta cuts his head off from behind befor he finishes them off. Vegeta then starts to fight Recoom. Vegeta blasts the crap out of Recoom but as the dust clears Recoom is unhurt. He then proceeds to beat Vegeta to an inch of his life. Gohan then starts to fight the mighty Recoom. Gohan of course is no match but puts up a good fight anyway. After Recoom breaks Gohan's back everything seems lost. But, in typical DBZ fashion, Goku arrives just in time. He gives Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta a senzu bean. He then proceeds to defeat Recoom with one blow. Every one is astonished. He then takes on Burter and Jeice. They can't touch him either. He defeats Burter then tells Jeice to leave this planet. Jeice wisely leaves to go get Captain Ginyu.

.....During this time Frieza tries to make his wish with the dragon balls. Fortunatly he doesn't know how so he flies off to the Great Elder's to ask him how. Jeice finally gets Captain Ginyu and brings him to Goku. Killin and Gohan fly off to get the dragon balls and soon after Vegeta leaves Goku to fight Ginyu alone. They start fighting and it's pretty even at first. Ginyu then tells Goku to show him his real power. Goku agrees and starts to power up. Ginyu realizes Goku is far more powerful than Ginyu. Ginyu freaks out and can't find a way to beat him. Ginyu finally decides to use his trump card. He switches bodies with Goku and flies off with Jeice. Goku, in Ginyu's body, flies off after them.

.....During this time Krillin and Gohan find the dragon balls buried by Frieza's ship. They dig them up but they too can't make a wish. Soon after Ginyu, in Goku's body, and Jeice arrive at the ship. He starts fighting Krillin and Gohan. Goku then arrives and tells him that he will never be able to use his body to the fullest. This soon becomes apparent and Ginyu askes Jeice to join in. Jeice obliges but is stopped in his tracks by Vegeta. Vegeta kills him and starts to beat up Ginyu. Ginyu realizes he can't beat Vegeta so he tries to switch bodies with Vegeta. Luckily Goku flies in the way of the beam therefore regaining his original body. Vegeta then starts beating up on Ginyu some more. Once again Ginyu tries to switch bodies with Vegeta but his plans are foiled again by Goku. Goku throws a frog in the way of the beam and Ginyu switches bodies with the frog.

.....After the fight Vegeta knows he needs Goku to beat Frieza so he takes him to the rejuvination tank. Krillin then heads off to the Great Elder's to find out how to use the balls. During this time Frieza makes it to the Great Elder's. Him and Nail start to fight. Nail of course is no match for Frieza and is beaten to an inch of his life. He then tells Frieza that by that time the Earthlings have probably already used the dragon balls. Frieza gets majorly pissed and flies back to his ship. During this time Dende meets up with Krillin. They head back to the ship to make their wishes. Vegeta is asleep inside the ship so Gohan, Krillin, and Dende leave with their balls to make the wishes. Dende summones the Namek dragon Porunga. The first wish is for Piccolo to be wished back to life. The second wish is to wish him to planet Namek. Just as they make thier 2nd wish Vegeta wakes up and realizes what's going on. He flies over to them and is about to wish for immortality but just then Porunga vanishes and the balls turn to stone. Dende now realizes that the Great Elder, who had created the balls, had died. Vegeta gets even more pissed and is about to kill Gohan and Krillin when he spots Frieza looking on from above.

.....Frieza and Vegeta exchange some words and Vegeta tells Frieza to transform. Frieza obliges and transforms. Vegeta and the others try to fight Frieza in his new form but they are no match. During this time Piccolo finds an ailing Nail on the dying on the ground. They decide to fuse to give Piccolo more power. After they fuse Piccolo flies off and arrives to fight Frieza. Frieza transforms a couple more times to his ultimate form. He then kills Dende because he has the power to heal. Not even a much stronger Vegeta can defeat Frieza. Frieza starts pounding on Vegeta. Just as Frieza is about to kill Vegeta a renewed Goku arrives on the battle field. Vegeta tells Goku not to let Frieza go and soon after Frieza kills Vegeta.

.....Goku and Frieza begin fighting. Goku and Frieza are equal until Frieza raises his power to 50 % of his maximum. Goku can't match Frieza's power. In his last resort Goku starts making Spirit Bomb. Goku finally hits Frieza with it and everything seems over. Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin all gather on a small island.

.....All of a sudden Krillin looks up and sees Frieza standing on a rock. Frieza pierces Piccolo's chest with a beam then blows up Krillin. This totally pisses Goku off and he finally transforms into a Legendary Super Saiyan.

.....Goku tells Gohan to leave with Piccolo in his spaceship. Gohan does and Goku begins fighting with Frieza. Goku's new power soon becomes apparent as Frieza can't seem to damage Goku what so ever. Frieza tries everything but can't hurt him. In desperation, Frieza throws an energy bomb into the core of planet Namek. Fortunatly he held back to much and the planet didn't blow up immediatly. Frieza then tells Goku that he has 5 minutes untill the planet blows.

.....During this time Kame and Mr. Popo are getting the dragon balls on Earth to make a wish. Kame calls King Ki to find out what to wish for. King Ki tells him to wish for everyone killed by Frieza and his henchmen back to life. Shenlon grants the wish. Since the Great Elder was brought back to life the Porunga comes back as well. King Ki contacts the Great Elder and tells him to wish for every one on planet Namek to Earth except for Frieza. Just then Goku jumps into the conversation and tells him that he wants to stay and fight Frieza once and for all. They agree and the Great Elder tells Dende to make the wish. He does and every on except Goku and Frieza are teleported to planet Earth.

.....Frieza and Goku continue thier battle. It's pretty even until Goku nails Frieza in the stomach. From that point on Frieza slowly loses his power. Finally Frieza has enough so he creates two kienzan (destructo disc). They chase Goku about until Goku starts beating on Frieza. He knocks Frieza into a crater and when he comes back up he gets cut in half by his own attack. Frieza pleads with Goku for help and he finally gives in and gives Frieza some power. He then flies off. As he is leaving Frieza tries to blast Goku one last time but Goku easily destroyes Frieza. Knowing the planet is about to blow he flies off to Frieza's ship. He gets there but it won't start up. He flies out and soon after the planet blows up with Goku on it.

.....Back on earth King Ki tells Bulma that the planet has been destroyed with Goku on it. She says it's ok because the Namek balls can wish anyone back to life as many times as you wish. The Great Elder then passes on the Elder position to Mauri. Then he dies. After 130 days the dragon balls are gathered and they wish for Krillin and Goku back to Earth spirit realm. Porunga does for Krillin but can't for Goku cause he is not dead. They then try to wish Goku back to Earth but Porunga says he doesn't want to come right now. So they then wish Krillin back to life. They then wish Yamcha back to life. After another 130 days they wish Tien and Chouzu back to life. And for the final wish they wish the Namek's to their new planet.

Cell Saga

.....After the battle with Frieza things calmed down for awhile. Gohan's busy with his studies one day when he feels an evil ki. The ki belongs to Frieza. He joins Krillin and the rest of the Z worriors including Vegeta at the place where they think he will land. Frieza and his father King Kold soon land nearby. Frieza sends his soldiers out to destroy all life on the planet but as soon as they fly of they fall back down. And a young boy lands infront of Frieza and King Kold. The boy kills a few more of Frieza's men and then tells Frieza that he is next. Frieza laughs and after a brief exchange of words the young boy transformed into a Super Saiyan. Frieza realizes what he is and blasts him. He thinks he killed him but as the dust clears the boy is untouched.

.....After a few more attempts by Frieza to kill him the boy retaliates and cuts Frieza in half. He then cuts him up even more and blasts him away, putting an end to Frieza once and for all. He then kills King Kold and thier ship. The Z warriors make thier way to the scene just as the boy is destroying the ship. Afterwards the boy tells them that Goku will land in 2 hours and to follow him if they want to meet him. They do and after 2 hours Goku lands in the exact spot the boy said he would.

.....As soon as Goku gets out he is asked by the boy if they can talk alone. He agrees and him and the boy fly away to talk. Before they talk the boy askes Goku to turn SSJ. Goku does and soon after the boy does as well. The boy fights Goku sword to finger for a minute then stops. He turns back to normal and says that he can trust Goku. The boy then tells Goku that his name is Trunks and that he came from 20 years in the future. He also tells him that he is Vegeta and Bulma's son. He then tells Goku that 3 years from now 2 androids will apear that kill all the z warriors except Gohan. He also says that Goku will die a short time before this takes place from a viral heart disease that he contracts from planet Yardratt. He then gives Goku the cure for the disease so that he will stay alive and change his disasterous history.

.....Trunks leaves and Goku returns to his friends. Piccolo heard everything and he tells them what was said. They all decide to train for the androids. For 3 years they train and on the day Trunks said the androids would show up they did. Goku starts fighting the first android, #19. #19 can't lay a hand on Goku but it becomes apparent that the fight is drawing out to long. Goku is getting more and more tired for some reason. Then they realize that Goku is having his heart attack. #19 starts beating up on Goku then starts to take his energy. Just as things look down Vegeta knocks #19 off Goku. He then kicks Goku to Piccolo and Yamchu takes him home to get the medicine.

.....Then, surprisingly, Vegeta turns SSJ. Everyone is astonished. Vegeta easily destroys #19 and then tells #20 he better leave. #20 wisely flees. All the Z warriors go chasing after him. He hides in the mountains so they can't find him because androids don't have ki's. #20 soon finds Piccolo and starts to steal his energy. Piccolo calls Gohan telepathically though and Gohan frees Piccolo from #20's grips. Piccolo, after getting a senzu, starts beating up #20. #20 manages to escape though and runs off to his lab. Bulma tells the warriors that #20 is actually Dr. Gero, the creator of the androids. They all fly off towards his lab to stop him from releasing #17 and #18.

......Unfortunatly they aren't in time. He realeses them and as soon as he does #17 turns on him and kills him. Then they release #16. Vegeta then starts to fight #18. Unlike the other androids these are much stronger than Vegeta. He is totally beat by her. Then the other warriors join in as well as #17. #17 and 18 easily defeat the Z warriors. All the androids leave to go look for Goku. Krillin gives the his friends some senzu and Vegeta flies off. Soon after Piccolo flies of towards Kame's lookout. Krillin knows that he is going there to fuse with Kame to get enough power to beat the androids. The rest of them return to Kame house along with Yamcha, Chi Chi, and a still sick Goku.

.....After awhile they get a call from Bulma. She says that they have found a second time machine. Her, Gohan, and Trunks go to investigate the matter. They get there and find that it is the same time machine as Trunks', but it looked much older. Inside they find an egg and a little further in the woods they find some sort of insect shell. The're all worried about what this could mean.

Cell Saga Part 2

.....Back at Kame's lookout Kame saw what had happened and knows that this can't be good. So he decides to fuse with Piccolo. After they fuse Piccolo heads off to a city where everyone had disappeared. While there he finds a monster that absorbs the energy from living things. The monster is called Cell. He was created by Dr. Gero's computer. Him and Piccolo start fighting and Piccolo is much stronger than Cell. Unfortunatly Cell is able to escape into the city and Piccolo can't find him. Disgusted he heads back to Kame house.

.....Around this time Goku gets cured. He takes Gohan, Trunks, and Vegeta to the Room of Spirit and Time at Kame's lookout where they can train for 1 year in 1 day. Trunks and Vegeta go in first. The androids, looking for Goku, arrive at Kame house soon after. Piccolo leaves to a nearby island to take them on. Him and #17 go at it in a great fight. Their powers are exactly the same. Unfortunatly Piccolo had to raise his power level and Cell knew that he must be fighting the androids. Cell needs to absorb #17 and 18 to attain his perfect form. He gets there and Piccolo and #17 try to fight him. This time he's much stronger and he nearly kills Piccolo. #16 then starts fighting Cell. Surprisingly #16 was much stronger than the other androids and about equal with Cell. Just as it looks like #16 has things under control Cell absorbs #17 and transforms into Cell form 2. This time #16 is no match for him. Thankfully Tien shows up and using his Kikoho technique stalls Cell long enough for #16 and 18 to escape. Tien runs out of energy and Goku, knowing Cell will kill him teleports to save him. He gets Piccolo and Tien and tells Cell that he will beat him in 1 day.

.....Cell heads off to look for #18. Back at Kame's lookout Trunks and Vegeta finish their training. They immidiatly head off to fight Cell. Vegeta starts to fight Cell and easily beats him. Cell is no match for Vegeta. He exclaims that if he could only attain his perfect form Vegeta would be no match for him. Vegeta, wanting a good fight, tells Cell he will let hem get his perfect form. Cell finds #18 and absorbs her forming Perfect Cell. Vegeta starts to fight him and unfortunatly Cell was right. Vegeta is no match for his perfect form. After Vegeta is knocked out Trunks starts to fight Cell. Although he is a little stronger than Vegeta he is no match for Cell either. In the middle of the fight Cell stops and tells Trunks that he will have a martial arts tournoment in 10 days. Cell leaves and so does Trunks.

.....Back in the Room of Spirit and Time Gohan finally goes SSJ. Him and Goku train some more and after a day they leave the room. Trunks tells what has happened and says they should go train some more in the room. Goku tells him that him and Vegeta should but him and Gohan won't. This is very suprising. The next 10 days are very peacefull for Goku and Gohan. Goku goes teleports to New Namek and gets Dende to become the new God of Earth. Dende gets back and with the help of Mr. Popo creates new dragon balls.

.....After 10 days are up all the Z warriors along with a wrestler name Mr. Satan arrive to fight Cell. Mr. Satan and his students try to fight Cell but he easily disposes of them. It's now Goku's turn. Finally Goku and Cell start fighting. The fight seems pretty even the whole way through. Finally though they realize that Goku can't win. Cell stops and tells him to go eat his magic bean and come back and fight. But, to everyones surprise, Goku gives up. He then tells Cell that there is one that will surpass him and his name is Gohan.

.....Gohan and Cell start fighting and it's pretty much the same as with Goku. They're both pretty even. After awhile of fighting Gohan explains to Cell that when he gets mad he realeses great power and that is why Goku told him to fight. Cell is intrigued and wants to see this power. He tries to get Gohan mad by beating him around a bit but that doesn't work. So he makes 7 miniature Cells called the Cell Jrs. They go off and start beating up Gohan's friends. This starts to make Gohan mad but not mad enough. #16's head was blown over to Mr. Satan when he tried to self destruct on Cell. His head tells Mr. Satan to throw him towards the boy. In one of Mr. Satan's brief moments of courage he throws the head at Gohan. #16 tells Gohan to get mad and release the power withing and save the beautiful nature he loves so much. Cell then crushes #16's head. This pushes Gohan over his limit. With a great burst of anger he turns SSJ2.

.....With blinding speed Gohan kills all the Cell Jrs. and then starts fighting Cell. Gohan staggers Cell with 2 punches. Cell tries firing a Kamehameha at Earth but Gohan blasts it away. He then powers up and grows larger. This just slows him down and Gohan nails him in the stomach. He then throws up #18 and regresses to form 2. He has one last chance to destroy Gohan. He starts bloating up and tells Gohan that he is about to self destruct. Gohan can't do anything. Just as he is about to blow though Goku teleports him away to King Ki's planet. He blows killing Goku, King Ki, Bubbles, and Gregory.

.....When the dust clears a beam pierces Trunks's chest killing him. Cell has returned. Vegeta gets pissed and tries to fight Cell. Cell knocks him out and is about to kill him but Gohan dives in front of the beam severely injuring his arm. Cell explains how he survived the blast while charging up Kamehameha. Gohan weakened by the blast doesn't think he can beat Cell. Goku, through, King Ki tells Gohan to never give up. Gohan then starts a Kamehameha of his own. They both fire them. Cell has the upper hand until Vegeta fires an energy blast at him. This distracts him long enough for Gohan to destroy him.

.....After the fight they wish Trunks back and Goku tells them to leave him in the afterlife. Trunks returns to his timeline and easily destroys #17 and #18 along with Cell.

Buu Saga

.....Ten years pass since the Cell Game and Gohan is going to high school in Satan City. There he meets Satan's daughter Videl. They soon become friends and fight crime together as the Great Saiyaman team. We also find that Chi-Chi and Goku have had another son named Goten. A while passes and the gang gets word that Goku will come back for one day to compete in the World Martial Arts Competition. Gohan, Goten, and Videl decide to compete as well. Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Trunks decide to enter also. To train for the competition Gohan teaches Videl and Goten how to fly. During the training Gohan discovers that Goten can go SSJ. He's very surprised. Vegeta and Trunks also train and Vegeta learns that Trunks can go SSJ as well.

.....The day of the tournament comes and everyone arrives including Goku. At this point we learn that Krillin has married #18 and has a daughter named Marron. The tournament begins and after a few fights it's Piccolo's turn but when he sees his opponent, Kaio-shin, he refuses to fight cause he knows he will lose. The next major fight is between Gohan and a guy named Kibit. Gohan and Kibit get to the platform and Kibit all of a sudden tells Gohan to go SSJ. On the sidelines Kaio-shin tells Gohan's friends that he will be attacked but don't interfer. Well, Gohan goes SSJ 2 and immediatly he is attacked by to strange contestants with the letter "M" on thier head. They take Gohan's power with a strange device and fly off. Kibit gives Gohan his power back and then him and Kaio-shin go after the two men. Kaio-shin tells Goku and the rest of the Z warriors that they can come along as well. They agree and all head off to chase the men.

.....The two men arrive at a space craft that's buried in the ground and 2 men come out. Kaio-shin explains that one is a magician named Babidi and the other is a demon named Dabura. Babidi takes the energy, kills the two men, and heads back into the spaceship. He then puts the energy in some sort of giant egg. Then Babidi, knowing that the warriors were hiding nearby, tells Dabura to get rid of the week ones, Piccolo, Krillin, and Kibit and invite the stronger ones, Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, and Kaio-shin, into the ship. Then Dabura comes out, kills Kibit and turns Krillin and Piccolo into stone by spitting on them. He then does as Babidi says and tells the others to come in.

.....They do and, once in, are told that there are going to have to fight a fighter in each stage of the ship. Each fighter stronger than the last. All the battle energy will be absorbed and put in the strange egg that Gohan's power was put in. The first round begins and Vegeta wins in rock, paper, scissor so he gets to fight first. The first fighter is of course no match for Vegeta so he asks Babidi to transport the fight to his favorite place to fight. There, he tells Vegeta that this is his home planet and it has 10x Eath's gravity and he (Vegeta) will never be able to beat him there. Vegeta laughs and quickly blasts him away (hehe classic moment).

.....The next fight is between Goku and a monster named Yakon. The fight turns out the same way as the last and Yakon asks to be transported to his home planet. His planet is on the edge of the Universe and has no light. He laughs and tells Goku he will never be able to see him. Goku of course can sense his ki so he proceeds to beat him up some more. Then Goku goes SSJ and Yakon steals the light and makes him detransform. Kaio-shin tells that Yakon can steal light energy and then tells him not to go SSJ again. Goku says it's ok and then goes SSJ again. Yakon is happy and starts stealing the energy. Then Goku goes SSJ2 and blows up Yakon. It's now we learn that both Goku and Vegeta can go SSJ2.

.....The next match is supposed to be between Gohan and Dabura but at the last moment Dabura gets an idea. He saw that Vegeta had much evil in his heart and that Babidi can enter his mind and control him. Then he can fight Goku and get a lot of damage energy to feed the egg. Babidi does this and Vegeta transfroms to Majin Vegeta. He then turns and says he wants to fight Goku. Goku doesn't want to but is later forced to. He tells Gohan and Kaio-shin to go stop Babidi from releasing the monster in the egg. They leave and Goku and Majin Vegeta start fighting. Because Goku and Vegeta can both go SSJ2 when they fight they exert a lot of damage energy. When Gohan and Kaio-shin get to the egg they see that the egg is about to hatch. Gohan tries a Kamehameha to stop it but it doesn't work. Out of the egg comes a fat, pink monster named Buu.

.....Dabura gets pissed because he doesn't think Buu is stronger than him so he attacks him. Buu easily kills him. Then Gohan tries but Buu easily beats him and he is now feared dead. Kaio-shin is the same case. Goku and Vegeta also feel his ki and they stop fighting. Vegeta knocks Goku out when he is distracted, takes a senzu, and says he will defeat Buu himself. During this time Trunks and Goten decide to head to where thier fathers are. There they find Krillin and Piccolo as statues but they soon turn back to normal when Dabura dies. After a while Vegeta arrives and tries to take on Buu. He is easily beaten but thanks to Trunks and Goten he is saved from death. After he regains senses he knocks both Goten and Trunks out and tells Piccolo to take them to a safe place. Piccolo knows that Vegeta is going to give his life to kill Buu. Piccolo with Goten and Trunks, and Krillin fly away. Then, in one of the greatest moments of DBZ, Vegeta self-destructs to kill Buu
Buu Saga Part Two

.....After Vegeta self-destructs Piccolo goes back to the scene to make sure Buu has been destroyed. He gets there and finds pieces of the monster everywhere. Piccolo thinks that Vegeta had succeeded but all of a sudden all the pieces started forming mini-Buus and then they all joined together to reform Buu. Piccolo, knowing he has no chance runs for his life. He joins up with Krillin and they take Goten and Trunks to Dende's lookout. Meanwhile Videl and Bulma collect the dragon balls to wish back everyone that was killed by Vegeta at the tournament when he convinced Goku to fight him. Around this time Goku regains contiousness and teleports to Dende's lookout. Bulma and Videl finally get the d-balls and wish for everyone killed back to life. Goku knows they will need the other wishes to help after the fight with Buu so he teleports and tells the dragon that they don't need another wish. The dragon disapears and will come back in half a year.

.....Goku teleports back and ponders what to do about Buu. Since they wished for everyone back to life Kibit was also brought back to life. He finds a beaten Kaio-shin and heals him. They fly off and find an almost dead Gohan, take him to thier planet for training, and healed him. Back at Dende's lookout Goku mentions that if Vegeta was here they could use a technique and fuse together forming a super strong fighter temporarily. Unfortunatly Vegeta is dead and all seems lost. Then Mr. Popo says that the two kids can fuse. They all agree that that is a great idea and begin to teach Goten and Trunks. All this time Babidi and Buu have been destroying cities one by one. Then they come to the city where Capsule Corp. is located. If Buu destroys the city then the dragon radar will be destroyed as well. Goku tells Trunks to go get the radar while he distracts Buu.

.....Goku gets to Buu and asks him if he wants to see a level that surpasses the level that surpasses SSJ! Buu is interested so Goku explains. First he goes SSJ and explains what that is. Then he goes to the level that surpasses SSJ which is SSJ2. Then, all of a sudden, he grows long hair and his eyebrows disapear and his power rapidly increases. At this time he turns SSJ3 for the first time. He fights Buu for a while and they are pretty even but as soon as Trunks gets the radar he teleports away. Back at the lookout Goku continues training once more. After a few minutes Baba returns and tells Goku that it is time to go back to the afterlife. After a hug to Goten he leaves back to the afterlife.

.....Back on Kaio-shin's planet Gohan begins his training by removing the ancient Zed Blade from a rock. In the middle of his training Goku gets back to the afterlife and feels his enormous ki. He teleports to the planet to observe Gohan's training. Gohan finally masters the Zed Blade so he tests its strength by slicing the strongest alloy known. Kaio-shin throws the block at him, Gohan slices, but the Zed Blade breaks in half. They all look on in disbelief when all of a sudden something comes out of the broken sword. Out of the sword comes and elder Kaio-shin of 15 generations back. They ask for help and he says he can release Gohan's inner power. They're excited and the elder Kaio-shin starts his meditation with Gohan to release the power.

.....Back on earth Buu finally gets angry at Babidi and kills him. Now free of his master Buu sets off and builds a home for himself. After awhile Mr. Satan arrives to try and kill Buu. He tries everything, blowing him up, poisoning him but nothing works. Eventually through a strange twist of fate Buu and Satan become best of friends. Satan even convinces Buu to stop killing and they even adopt a dog. A couple days later a couple of hunters come to kill Buu. Mr. Satan and Buu are out playing with the dog when all of a sudden they shoot it. This enrages both Buu and Satan. Satan beats the men up and asks Buu to heal the dog. He does and they go back into the house. A little while later one of the hunters returns and shoots Mr. Satan. Buu gets totally pissed. He heals Satan and tells him to leave immediatly. Satan runs. Steam starts to come out of Buu's pores and it forms a cloud. The cloud transforms into a skinny Buu, evil Buu. The two Buu's square off and the skinny one eventually wins and absorbs fat Buu forming Super Buu.

.....All this time Goten and Trunks train and perfect the fusion technique. When they fuse they form a warrior named Gotenks (Goten+Trunks). Knowing they're still not strong enough to beat Buu Piccolo makes them train in the Room of Spirit and Time. When Buu transformed into Super Buu he attained the ability to sense ki. He immediatly heads off to the lookout. There, he demands to fight Gotenks. Piccolo, trying to stall for time, says there are still humans on Earth to kill before he fights Gotenks. Buu in one blast kills everyone on Earth except for Satan who the fat Buu part of him still cares for. Tien and Chouzu also dodge the blasts. Piccolo then tells Buu that he can fight the warrior in 1 hour. Buu agrees. After less than 30 minutes Buu gets impatient and demands to fight now. Piccolo has no choice but to lead him to the Room of Spirit and Time. Piccolo sends out a telepathic message to the kids telling them to get ready.

.....When Buu and Piccolo arrive they enter the room and are greated by Trunks and Goten. After a funny exchange of words the two fuse into Gotenks and then go SSJ. Gotenks fights Buu with everything he has but nothing works. Finally he decides to use his ultimate attack but first, being an arrogant bastard, he decides to have a little fun with Piccolo. He starts yelling that that was all of his moves and that they're doomed. Piccolo hears this and immediatly turns to his back up plan. He destroys the door to the room so that Buu can't escape out of that dimension. Buu gets pissed and yells so hard that it rips a hole between the dimensions. Buu is able to escape back to Earth leaving Piccolo and Gotenks trapped. Gotenks and Piccolo try to escape the same way but just aren't strong enough. Therefore Gotenks uses his ultimate weapon. He transforms into SSJ3 Gotenks. He yells and blasts a hole through the dimensions as well.

.....When they get back out they find that Buu has killed all of their friends. Gotenks then starts beating up Buu. Piccolo even joins in a little game of Buu Buu Volley Ball. It finally looks like Gotenks will be able to beat Buu but as soon as he gets the upper hand the 30 minute time limit on the fusion wears off. Luckily at about the same time Gohan finishes charging up and he returns to Earth to fight. Goku and the rest look on through a crystal ball on Kaio-shin's planet. Buu and Gohan start fighting and it soon becomes apparent that Buu is no match for him. Therefore he self-destructs. It's a weak blast and doesn't kill him. Gohan, the kids, and Piccolo, along with Dende (who escaped before Buu got out of the time dimension) and Satan all gather together and ponder what Buu is planning.
Buu Saga Part 3

.....Buu finally returns a couple hours later. He tells Goten and Trunks that he wants to finish the fight with them first. They agree and fuse. As soon as they go SSJ3 a piece of Buu's skin that was on the ground behind him covers him and Piccolo and they are absorbed into Buu. This new Buu now has the power of Gotenks and the brains of Piccolo. Gohan and Buu start fighting once again. This time the tables are turned on Gohan. Buu is way to powerfull for him. He totally beats the crap out of Gohan. Back on Kaio-shin's planet the elder Kaio-shin tells Goku that he must go save Gohan. They tell the elder that Goku cannot return to that plane. The elder already knows this so he gives his life so Goku can be alive again. Now Goku can return but he is no match for Buu. To solve this problem the elder gives Goku to potorra earrings. He says that if one person has one on one ear and another person has the other then they will fuse. Kaio-shin and Kibit test this out and form Kaiobit. They ask how long it lasts and he says it is permanent. Goku then thanks him and teleports to Earth.

.....When Goku gets to Earth he throws Gohan the potorra but Gohan drops it. As he looks for it Buu absorbs him with another piece of skin. Now things look really bad. The only person Goku can fuse with is Satan but that wont give him enough power. But there was no other choice. Just as he was about to throw the other earring to Satan he feels a strong power. He recongnizes it immediatly and teleports to it. The power is Vegeta with Baba! After some persuasion Goku convices Vegeta to fuse with him. They put the earrings on and fuse into a fighter named Vegetto (Vegeta+Kakarrotto). The two super warriors begin fighting and Vegetto easily wastes Buu. Even when Buu changes him into a candy he still beats up Buu to the point that he has to change him back. During the fight Vegetto cuts a part of Buu off and leaves it on the ground. After Buu realizes he can't beat him he decides to absorb him. Using the piece of skin Buu absorbs Vegetto. Vegetto new what he was doing though so he put a sheild up before he got absorbed.

.....Once he entered Buu's body he released his shield and he transformed back into Vegeta and Goku. This wasn't supposed to happen but Vegeta was happy because he didn't have to stay fused with Goku. He immediatly broke the potorra so they couldn't fuse again. The two warriors went searching through Buu to find thier absorbed friends. They finally found them and detached them. Buu felt this so he made a mini Buu inside him to beat them up. The two couldn't beat Buu but luckily they found fat Buu aswell. Vegeta detached him and Buu's body started to break down. Vegeta and Goku quickly left with thier friends. When they got out they watched as Buu started to transform again. Instead of breaking down he transformed into his original form: Kid Buu. This new Buu, although not as strong, was much more evil and immediatly tried to blow up the Earth. Luckily Vegeta stopped the blast but right away Buu tried to blow up the Earth again. This time they couldn't stop it so Goku took Vegeta and the closest two next to him which were Satan and Dende. He was about to teleport but Kaiobit appeared and teleported them away to his planet. The Earth blew up along with the rest of the Z warriors including Gohan (this is the very first and only time he died).

.....At Kaiobit's planet the warriors discuss how to defeat Kid Buu. Goku and Vegeta decide to fight him alone without fusion. The Kaio-shin's disagree but have no choice. Buu teleports to the planet and the Kaio-shins with Dende teleport away leaving Satan. After a game of rock, paper, scissors Goku goes SSJ3 and starts fighting Buu. They are about even but after awhile Goku tires out. He tells Vegeta that if he can hold off Buu for 5 minutes he can gather enough energy to defeat him. Vegeta agrees and goes and fights Buu. During the fight Mr. Satan interviens and Buu is about to kill him but can't because he still has fat Buu within him. He spits out fat Buu and the two of them go at it.

.....While the two Buu's fight Vegeta comes up with a plan to save the universe. He contacts the Kaio-shin and tells them to go to Planet Namek and summon Porunga. He tells them to wish Earth back and then wish for all non-evil people killed by Buu back to life. He then tells Goku to start gathering energy for a Spirit Bomb. The Kaio-shin teleport to Namek. There they see the Nameks are waiting for them with the balls. Dende summons Porunga and asks him to grant the wishes. He does and everyone including Vegeta is brought back to life. Then Vegeta says it is about time that Earthlings take responsible for their own problems. He asks Kaiobit to let him talk to every one on Earth. Kaiobit says he can't do that but then King Ki cuts into the conversation and says that's his job. With the help of King Ki Vegeta tells everyone on Earth to hold up their hands to give energy to Goku. Immediatly all of Goku's friends lift their hands but that's not enough. The rest of the Earthlings are scared and think it is a trick and and won't raise their hands. Goku tries to plea with them but even he can't do it. Then Satan speaks to them and of course he gets everyone on Earth to raise their hands and give thier energy.

.....After awhile Fat Buu gives out and can't fight anymore. He sees the ball and tries to hit Goku. Luckily he teleports and dodges it. Then Vegeta starts fighting him again while Goku continues collecting energy. Vegeta gets his but kicked. When Goku finally gets all the energy he needs he tells Vegeta to get out of the way so he can hit Buu with it. Vegeta is to beat up to move. Goku wouldn't throw the ball and kill Vegeta. Just then though Satan picks up Vegeta and takes him out of the way. Goku tells Satan that he is truly the Earth's savior and throws the ball at Buu. It hits him and he resisists. Goku tries his best to force the ball on him but he runs out of energy. Dende asks Kaiobit to teleport him to Goku so he can heal him but Kaiobit says he is out of energy. Then Porunga asks if anyone is going to make a third wish. It then dawns on Dende and he wishes for Goku to regain his strength. Porunga easily grants the wish and Goku gains the power he needs. He says a finaly farewell to Buu by asking him to be reincarnated in a pure form then he finally over powers Buu with the Spirit Bomb.

.....Ten years pass after Buu dies. Back on Earth the warriors are preparing for another martial arts tournament. When they all get there Goku asks fat Buu to arange the cards so that he will fight an unknown warrior named Ubuu. He does and Goku and Ubuu get ready to fight. Ubuu doesn't show mush strength at first but then Goku starts insulting his family. This pisses him off and he hurts Goku quite a bit with a kick to the arm. Goku knows that this kid is the reincarnated form of Buu. Goku tells his friends he will be gone for awhile to train Ubuu. The two fly off and Goku tells the boy that he must become stronger because he will be the one to protect the Earth after Goku is gone. Ubuu says OK and Goku says No, your supposed to say yes. The two laugh and fly off into the distance.

.....This ends the story of DBZ.