

Movie 1: The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone starts with Piccolo being attacked by 3 strange men. Back at Goku's place Goku is away catching fish while Gohan is at home working on his homework. All of a sudden 3 strange men show up in the shadows. Chi Chi tries to defend herself and Gohan but of course they easily over power her. Wanting the dragon ball on Gohan's hat, they kidnap him and take him to their leader, Garlic Jr. Garlic Jr., using the dragon balls wishes for immortality.

When Goku gets word of this he heads of to Garlic Jr's hangout. By the time he gets their he finds that Kami came as well. They soon meet the evil Garlic Jr. He tells Kami and Goku that years ago his father wanted to be God of Earth, but was to evil and was denied. This pissed him off and now Garlic Jr. has returned to take revenge for his father and kill Kami and become God of Earth.

Goku decides to go into Garlic Jr's fortress and rescue Gohan while Kami fights Garlic Jr. Goku meets up with Garlic Jr.'s three men, Ginger, Nikki, and Sansho. Goku takes on all three but as soon as the battle is underway Piccolo shows up to fight them as well. Piccolo takes on Sansho while Goku takes on the other two. It soon becomes apparent that Goku and Piccolo are much stronger than Garlic's men. All three are wasted.

Back at the front of Garlic's fortress Garlic is beating up on Kami. Fortunatly Goku and Piccolo get there just in time and start to fight Garlic Jr. Garlic then transforms but Piccolo and Goku still out match him. After they defeat Garlic they start fighting each other. Unfortunatly they soon find out that Garlic has wished for immortality. He then opens a Dead Zone (black hole) which starts sucking everything into it. Neither Goku nor Piccolo can stop it. When Gohan sees his father being sucked into the dead zone he gets royally pissed and starts powering up. Using this power he blasts Garlic Jr. into the dead zone thus locking him in it. Once again Earth is safe.

Movie 2: The World's Strongest


Movie 2 begins when Oolong takes Gohan to find the dragon balls. They find that they are being collected by someone and 7 are soon together. The man who's been collecting them is named Dr. Kouchin. He soon summons Shenlon and asks that his master Dr. Wheelo be freed from his imprisonment of ice. He does and Dr. Wheelo along with his lab are released from the ice.

Soon after Gohan and Oolong are attacked by a gang of little saibamen-like creatures. Luckily for them they are saved by Piccolo but soon after he defeats the creatures he is attacked again by 3 other creatures and is pulled under the ice. Back at Kame House the same saibamen-like creatures and Dr. Kouchin appear looking for Master Roshi. He fights them off but they capture Bulma forcing him to give in and come with them. He takes them to Dr. Wheelo's lab where we find out that they are looking for the world's strongest man to transplant Dr. Wheelo's mind into. They believe that Master Roshi is the strongest so they test him against their 3 warriors.

Master Roshi takes on the 3 warriors pretty well but soon they get the upper hand and waste him. Dr. Kouchin is dissapointed. Goku soon finds out about this so he heads to the lab to find out what's going on.When he gets there he finds one of the cybernetic monsters, Minkattsun. They fight and Goku is able to defeat him. He then, along with the help of Gohan and Krillin, defeats the other two monsters, Ebifuraiya and Kishiime.

The three then find Bulma being held captive by the two doctors. Dr. Kouchin then tries to trap Goku because he knows he is the strongest fighter. Fortunatly he underestimated Goku's power and Goku is able to break free. Dr. Kouchin has backup though in the form of Piccolo. Piccolo who is under Kouchin's control starts fighting Goku. Gohan gets pissed which causes shock waves to go throughout the lab. This breaks Dr. Kouchin's control on Piccolo.

Dr. Wheelo then breaks free from the wall he was attatched to. The destroys most of the lab along with Dr. Kouchin. He fights Goku and Piccolo and easily beats them. Goku then uses Kaioken and starts to beat up on him. Dr. Wheelo then shoots a large blast at Goku which he counters with a Kamehameha. Goku eventually wins out but this doesn't kill Wheelo. Goku tells everyone to flee the lab while he gathers energy for a spirit bomb. Gohan and Piccolo decide to stall Dr. Wheelo long enough for Goku to gather the energy. Once Goku gets the energy needed he throws the spirit bomb at Wheelo thus killing him once and for all. Afterwards, Roshi says that Wheelo got one thing right: that Master Roshi is the world's #1 strongest guy. Bulma corrects that to "the world's #1 dirty old man."

Movie 3: The Tree of Might


The Tree of Might begins when Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma are out camping. All of a sudden a strange meteor hits the forest and starts a fire. After Krillin and Gohan put out the blaze Gohan wishes for the forest back to the way it was from Shenlon. One of the animals Gohan and Krillin save is the Haiyaa Dragon, who becomes friends with Gohan.

Soon after we meet a Saiyan named Turles. He is tracking life on Earth to find Kakorotto. He sends his minions down to Earth where they plant a seed for the Tree of Might. Soon after it sprouts and slowly drains Earth of all life. King Ki soon realizes this and tells Goku what's going on. All the Z warriors are there with Goku so they all head of to destroy the tree.

When they get there they start blasting the tree but it does not affect it. They soon find Turles's men waiting for them by the tree. They all take of fighting each other and soon Gohan joins in. Turles notices that he is Goku's son so he tries to persued he into comming and fighting with him. Of course Gohan refuses. Piccolo soon arrives to save Gohan from Turles. Unfrotunatly Turles is much stronger than Piccolo and easily defeats him. He then sees Gohan's tail and makes him go Oozaru.

Goku and Piccolo try to stop the rampaging Gohan but continually fail. Goku eventually reaches Gohan and tells him to fight Turles. Turles knows Gohan could be trouble so he tries to kill him. Luckily Goku slices Gohan's tail of thus returning Gohan to his normal self. A pissed Goku wastes Turles's men and then starts to take on Turles himself. Turles soon realizes that Goku is much stronger than him so he eats the fruit from the Tree of Might which increases his power.

With his new power Turles easily over powers, and beats the holy crap out of Goku. Goku even tries a spirit bomb but nothing works. While Goku is laying there he sees a brite light from the tree. He feels it's energy and starts gathering power for another Spirit Bomb from it. He meets Turles at the top of the tree and nails him with the spirit bomb killing him and the destroying the Tree of Might. When the tree blows up it returns all the energy drained from Earth back.

Movie 4: This is the Super Saiyan, Son Goku


Movie 4 starts when Goku and Krillin go to stop a meteor from hitting Earth. They fail and get pretty beat up from it but soon find out that it wasn't a meteor but a spaceship. After the ship lands it lets out a cloud that covers the entire Earth making it more habitable for the citizens of the spaceship. When the leader of the space ship, Slug, comes out he recognizes the dragon ball on Gohan's hat. Therefore he collects all 7 and wishes to be young again.

The cloud that covers the planet makes it cold and inhabitabal for Earthlings so Gohan and Piccolo take on Slug and his minions. Piccolo kills one of Slug's men, Dorodabo. But is overtaken by his other minions Medametcha and Angira. Luckily Goku and Krillin arrive. Goku kills both Medametcha and Angira and then takes on Slug.

Slug completly wastes Goku. It's now we learn that Slug is a Super Namek and this gives Piccolo an idea. Piccolo tears of his ears and tells Gohan to start whistling. Since Nameks have super sensitive ears this hurts Slug. Piccolo gives Goku his energy which he (Goku) uses to make a Spirit Bomb. He nails slug with it and kills the evil Super Namek.

Movie 5: Fantastic Ultimate Strength vs. Ultimate Strength


Back before DB when Frieza destoys planet Vegeta, Frieza's brother Koola watches on. He sees Goku's space capsule leaving the planet but does nothing because he thinks it's insignificant. 20 years later Koola gets word of his brother's death at the hands of Goku and heads to earth to take care of his brother's killer.

Back on Earth, Goku, Krillin, and Gohan are out camping. All of a sudden Koola and his henchmen arrive. Goku tries to protect Gohan and in the proccess gets nailed in the back by Koola's eye lasers. The three are able to escape to a cave where Krillin tells Gohan to go to Karin's Tower to get some senzu's for Goku. After a long journey Gohan returns with a bag of senzu beans. Unfortunatly one of Koola's men looking for Goku finds Gohan right when he gets to Goku and blasts the bag of senzu's.

All seems lost until Gohan remebers he has one last senzu in his pants. He takes it out and gives it to Goku. A healed Goku takes on Koola. At first Goku has the upper hand until Koola reveals one more transformation. After this Goku is no match for him. Koola's evil power even starts to kill the life around him. When all seems lost once more Goku goes Super Saiyan. He beats up on Koola and finally kills him when he blasts him into the sun.

DBZ Movie 6: Crash the 10 Billion Power Fighters.


On New Namek a giant metal star lands and starts enslaving the Namek's and eating away at the planet. The new elder of Namek contacts Dende for help. He tells the Z warriors and they all head of to help. When they get there they find the Namek's being taken to Big Ghetti Star. They start fighting the robots as soon as they get there. After a brief battle Goku hears a very familiar voice. Koola then walks forward only this time he is totaly robotic.Him and Goku start squaring of while the rest of the z warriors fight the robots.

The robot's are pretty strong and have the warriors on the ropes until Piccolo tells them to use their minds and not just brute force. They do and start to rip through all the robots. Back at the fight between Metal Koola and Goku, Metal Koola is beating up on Goku. After a couple of close calls Goku decides to give it his all and he turns SSJ. With his ultimate power it seems for a while that Goku has finally beaten Koola when he rips through his left side. It's now though that we learn that Metal Koola can regenerate himself. He does and now has Goku just where he wants him. Right when he is about to kill Goku, Vegeta shows up to save Goku.

The two Super Saiyans go after Koola together. They both rip through him this time and when he starts to regenerate they start blasting him all over. The two finally overwhelm him and destroy him. As they are resting after their great battle they hear a sound sort of like marching. Then they look up on a cliff to see a whole army of Metal Koolas. The two are captured and taken inside Big Ghetti Star. The rest of the Z warriors with the exception of Piccolo are also taken. Piccolo is still fighting inside Big Ghetti Star.

Inside Big Ghetti Star Vegeta and Goku are hooked up to give energy to the Planetoid. They start charging up to escape. This overloads the planetoid and it starts to fall apart. The core metal Koola although is still alive. Goku tries to defeat it but to no avail. Then Vegeta holds it of while Goku charges an energy attack. He throws it at Koola and it finally kills him.

DBZ Movie 7: Battle Limit!! The Three Super Saiyans


When #17 killed Dr. Gero, his computer activated 3 more models to destroy Goku. Back in the city the Z warriors are out shopping. All of a sudden they hear explosions and go to check it out. They find 2 strange looking androids. They start fighting but then stop to go to a deserted place. They go to some glaciers and start fighting.

As soon as they start fighting a third android appears. He (android 13) and Goku then start fighting. The fight is pretty even until #13 shoots a large energy attack at Goku. Just as it is about to explode and kill Goku a blast from beneath the glacier blasts the attack away. Then out of the glacier comes Vegeta. He gives his usual "I'm the only one that has the right to kill Goku" speach and then starts fighting #15.

Trunks fights #14 and defeats him and Vegeta does the same with #15. When they are destroyed, #13 absorbs their power cells and becomes Super 13. This new android totally wastes the Z warriors. Even Goku couldn't beat him. Finally Goku uses the only thing that could beat him, the spirit bomb. He starts charging it up while Trunks and Piccolo hold of Super 13. He finishes the spirit bomb but instead of hitting 13 with it he goes SSJ. Since his heart is unclear when he turns SSJ the spirit bomb starts to disipate. Fortunatly though, Goku starts to absorb the power from the bomb giving him a power up. Super 13 hits Goku but his punches have no effect on Goku. Goku then punches right through Super 13 making him explode. Gero's computer stops and all the androids have been destroyed.

DBZ Movie 8: Burn Your Spirits to the Max!! A Close Battle, Violent Battle, Super Bloody Battle.


Movie 8 starts of when all the Z warriors except Goku are all in a Cherry Blossom field having a party when a strange space ship lands nearby. Out of it comes a Saiyan named Paragas. He tells Vegeta, who is lying by a tree nearby, that he has created a new Planet Vegeta and wants Vegeta to come and be its king. Vegeta declines and starts walking away. Then Paragas mentions that he has also found the Legendary Super Saiyan and needed Vegeta to come kill him. Vegeta couldn't turn down the offer so he decided to go with him to New Vegeta. Trunks, Gohan, and Krillin also accompanied him.

Meanwhile Goku and Chi Chi are at an interview to get Gohan into school. In the middle of the interview, though, Kaio-sama telepathically contacts Goku and tells him that he senses the presence of the another Super Saiyan and he wants Goku to teleport to him. Goku says he can't cause Chi Chi won't feed him if he leaves so Kaio-sama tells him he will. Goku agrees and teleports to Kaio-sama's in the middle of the meeting leaving Chi Chi all by herself. After Goku's meal Kaio-sama points Goku in the right direction and he teleports to New Vegeta.

When Vegeta gets there Paragas introduces him to his son Brolly. Vegeta decides to take Brolly instead of Trunks to go looking for the Legendary Super Saiyan. Meanwhile Krillin and Gohan go exploring the planet together. They soon find a race known as the Shamo-jin who have been enslaved by Paragas to build his cities. They don't like this so they start fighting the slave drivers. Right when Krillin starts to show of by punching Goku teleports in and gets smacked in the face by Krillin's punch. After they sort everything out they return to their lodgings.

That night Goku is sitting on a window seal when Vegeta returns with Brolly. Vegeta tells Goku to stay out of his business but when Brolly walks by Goku he starts getting mad. He then starts attacking Goku but as soon as Paragas appeared he stopped. After this they all went to bed. That night Brolly sat in his room constantly repeating "Kakorotto" until he finally snapped and attacked Goku again. During the fight he starts powering up and transforming but luckily Paragas arrives again and stops him.

The next day after Vegeta and Brolly go hunting for the Legendary Super Saiyan again and find nothing Vegeta decides to return to Earth. Paragas tries to persued him not to but he continues to walk toward the ship. When he gets there hears Goku telling him to hurry up. Brolly, who is at Paragas' side, hears Goku, gets pissed, and starts powering up. Vegeta feels his power and Goku tells him that Brolly is the Super Saiyan they had been looking for. Paragas tries to control Brolly using his wrist band and Brolly's head ornamant. This time though Brolly's rage is too great and he breaks Paragas' control and goes SSJ.

We now learn that Goku and Brolly were both born on the same day. Brolly was calm but Goku was constantly crying which made Brolly mad. Brolly remembered this and that's why he is always so pissed at Goku. Brolly had imense power when he was born which scared King Vegeta because he knew Brolly would be the strongest Saiyan once he was grown and would be a threat to the title of King. Therefore King Vegeta had Brolly and Paragas killed and dumped in the trash. Fortunatly Brolly's awesome power saved both of them from death then and when Frieza destroyed the planet. Brolly was a maniac as he was growing up therefore Paragas had the wrist and head ornamant to control his son's radical power. Ever since then Paragas plotted revenge on Vegeta's family. Therefore he picked this planet to be New Vegeta because he knew a comet was headed for it and would destroy it and Vegeta at the same time thus he would attain his revenge.

After Brolly goes SSJ, Goku, Gohan, and Trunks go SSJ aswell. They all attack him except Vegeta, who knows that no one is a match for Brolly. His predictions are right because Brolly wastes everyone. Not even Goku can match his strength. Luckily just in time Piccolo arrives in his own spaceship and gives the Z warriors some senzu beans. During the fight Paragas attempts to escape from the dying planet in a space pod but is stopped by his own son. Brolly crushes the ship and hurls it into the comet killing Paragas.

The Z warriors attack Brolly once again but they still can't hurt him. Vegeta finally gets over his fear and tries to attack Brolly too but is stopped just like the rest. Although he keeps getting wasted Goku keeps getting up. He asks everyone to give them their power so he can beat Brolly. They all do except Vegeta who says he is the prince of all Saiyans and can't give his power to the lowly foot soldier, Goku. Goku gets beat around some more and when all seems lost Vegeta gives in and donates his power to Goku. Right then Goku blocks Brolly's attack and starts charging up. Brolly does the same and they start flying to each other for a final showdown. Brolly tries to punch Goku but Goku dodges and nails Brolly in the stomoch and pulls his fist through Brolly's chest. Brolly falls back and apparently blows up. Goku teleports everyone to Piccolo's ship and they all fly off back home.

DBZ Movie 9: The Strongest Guy in the Universe


Movie 9 begins with a world's martial arts competition sponsored by the Money family for thier son Dollar. The semi-final rounds are merely free-for-alls and the 4 finalists get shot into 4 battle zone's where they were supposed to fight 4 alien fighters which were really Mr. Satan's students dressed up as aliens. Krillin, Trunks, Gohan, and Dosukoi all reach the final 4 and are shot into the battle zones.

They get there and are expecting to fight Mr. Satan's weak students but instead the students had been killed off by 4 real aliens. Disukoi is killed by an alien named Bidou, while Trunks kills Gokoua, another alien. After Krillin gets beat by Sangya, all the other Z warriors join in to defeat these alien killers. While they are fighting Kaio-sama realizes that the aliens are Bojack's team. Bojack was an evil villian that the four Kaio-sama's fought and imprisoned long ago. Now he is back to extract revenge on Kaio-sama by killing his best student's (Goku) son.

After Tien and Yamcha are easily defeated by the warriors Gohan and Trunks go at it with them. They get wasted of course and even when Vegeta and Piccolo arrive they still are no match. Everyone is knocked out except Gohan but even he is running out of power. Bojack decides to finish him off but as he is about to crush Gohan's neck Goku gets pissed and decides he can't take anymore so he teleports and nails Bojack.

After stopping Bojack from killing Gohan he tells Gohan not to show any mercy to Bojack. Goku teleports back to Kaio-sama's and Gohan gets up and goes SSJ2. He kills 2 of Bojack's men with 1 hit each. Bojack's last alien fighter, Sangya, being scared at Gohan, is killed by Bojack. Gohan then rips through Bojack's chest. Then, Bojack, on his last bit of energy tries to blast Gohan. Gohan counters and finally kills Bojack.

DBZ Movie 10: The Dangerous Pair! The Super Fighter Cannot Sleep.

Movie 10 starts when Videl, Gohan, and Trunks are out searching for the dragon balls for the heck of it. They succeed in finding the first 5 balls but while searching for the 6th they come upon a village terrorized by a monster dragon. A girl from the village is about to be sacrificed to appease the monster, when Videl volunteers to take her place. Instead though, Goten, Trunks, and Videl hide next to the supper set out for the monster, surprise it, and kill it. For thanks Trunks is given the 6th ball from the Shaman's necklace. Meanwhile, a Saiyan space capsule crashes to Earth nearby, and the sleeping Saiyan inside is aroused by vibrations caused by Goten when the boy wanted to eat the banquet set out for the monster.
The Saiyan turns out to be Brolly. When Brolly stretches his muscles the next day, Videl senses it, and goes to investigate. As do Goten and Trunks. Brolly thinks that Goten is Kakarotto, and thus a fight ensues. The final Dragon Ball is located during the battle, but Goten doesn't know how to summon Shenlon, so Trunks gets trashed while trying to distract Brolly. Gohan senses Brolly's ki, and arrives to join in the battle. Gohan battles Brolly and during one of Gohan's blast lava to boils up, and Brolly is trapped in the magma. Gohan passes out as the magma inches near him but Krillin saves him just in time.

Soon after Brolly emerges from the lava unscathed. Gohan awakens and fires a Kamehameha at Brolly. Goten soon joins in with a Kamehameha of his own but even their combined powers are no match for Brolly. When all seems lost the clouds turn dark and Goku appears. He joins in with another Kamehameha and Brolly's blast is finally held off. They're power still isn't enought to beat Brolly though and all of a sudden Trunks throws a blast that distracts Brolly. This gives the three Saiyan's the chance they need to over power Brolly. They're triple Kamehameha finally breaks through Brolly's blast and blasts him into the sun where he finally dies.

DBZ Movie 11: Super Fighter Shootout!! I'm the One Who Will Win


Movie 11 starts when #18 goes to Mr. Satan's house to collect the 20 million zenni prize money from the Tenkaichi Budoukai that she let Satan win. Satan claims that the money hasn't been turned over to him yet. Then, a minion of a guy who was a classmate of Satan's, arrives to blackmail Satan into going with him to fight some bio-tech warriors.

The minion, Menmen, threatens to tell the press that Satan was a bed wetter in 6th Grade. Satan caves in, and #18 goes along to keep Satan from running away. Goten and Trunks hide in the back of the car to try to fight these "bio-tech warriors," and Krillin is forced to take his daughter back to Kame House. Baron Jagaa Badda has created some pro-wrestler-strength warriors, and he wants them to fight Satan, just to put Satan back in his place. Satan pretends that #18 and the two boys are his students, and they easily destroy the bio-tech baddies. However, Goten recognizes the guy standing beside Jagaa as being the Shaman from the forest village in the last movie. Turns out that the Shaman collected some of Brolly's blood at the battle site, and sold it to Jagaa! Jagaa had his scientists use the blood to create the "Ultimate Bio-tech Warrior." Trunks and Goten try to use a Kamehameha on Brolly's container before Brolly can awaken, but it is too late. However, the process isn't complete, and Brolly is badly misformed.
There is much fighting, the chemicals used in the bio-tech process get loose and eat up all living things, and Brolly trashes Goten, Trunks, and #18. Kuririn arrives to protect his wife, and also gets trashed. Finally, the heroes rescue the scientists, and all of the people living on Jagaa's island escape onto ocean liners. The bio-tech chemicals try to eat Brolly, and are instead turned into an energy source for him. Ultimately, Goten discovers that the chemicals lose potency in sea water (or any liquid with salt, such as pee), so Kuririn, Goten, and Trunks use a Kamehameha to create a tidal wave that cleanses the island. Brolly keeps trying to kill Goten, but is now vulnerable to Goten and Trunk's energy blast. Brolly dies, and Mr. Satan tries to swim back home, rather than accepting #18's offer of saving him for a total of 1 Billion zenni.
DBZ Movie 12: The Fusion of Revival! Goku and Vegeta

Movie 12 starts at the Annoyichi Budoukai where Goku and Paikuhan are just about to square off in the final round. Meanwhile at Earth's check-in station Lord Enma is sending the good souls to heaven and the bad souls to a washing machine run by a young teen where their souls are purged of evil when all of a sudden the machine blows up and all the evil enters the young boy turning him into a giant yellow monster named Janemba. This disrupts the laws of the afterlife and all the past villains escape from hell to Earth and Gohan, Goten, and Trunks battle them off.
The monster encloses all of the afterlife in multi colored bubbles including the check-in station. Back at the tournament Goku and Paikuhan get word of this and head off to help. When they get their they find the yellow monster perched atop Earth's check-in station. Goku and Paikuhan try to reason with Janemba but he just continues to playfully repeat his name. Goku then tells Janemba to come with him and as they head off he tells Paikuhan to free everyone in the afterlife from the bubbles.

Goku and Janemba descend into hell where they start to fight. It's a pretty silly fight with Goku getting the beaten. Goku decides he has had enough playing around and goes SSJ3. Meanwhile Paikuhan can't seem to get destroy the bubbles and, when Goku goes SSJ3, he gets pissed and curses at Goku and strangely the bubbles start to flake off. He continues to curse and little by little the bubbles dissipate. Back in hell, with his new power, Goku beats the crap out of Janemba and seems to destroy it. When all seems well, though, the monster reforms in a smaller, red, horned creature.

The new Janemba is much more powerful than the previous and, with the help of a sword, beats the crap out of Goku. Just as Janemba is about to give the final blow to Goku a blast from a cavern saves Goku. As Goku falls to his knees Vegeta appears. He tells Goku that he will be the one to defeat the monster and they start to fight. Of course Vegeta is no match for Janemba and is thrown in to a mountain of needles where he is saved by Goku.

In the mountain Goku tells Vegeta that there is only one way to beat the monster and that is fusion. Vegeta refuses to combine with the low class soldier but soon finds he has no choice. Goku teleports away with Vegeta and teaches him the fusion dance. After practicing the two fuse into one but Vegeta makes a wrong move and Fat Gogeta is formed. He is, of course, no match for Janemba and his only defense is farting.

After the 30 minute time limit is up Goku and Vegeta reform. Paikuhan then comes down into hell to hold off Janemba until they can do the fusion right. Goku and Vegeta try one more time and this time they get it right and for Gogeta. Gogeta attacks a couple times, pissing Janemba off, and then he gathers an energy ball. Janemba charges and Gogeta throws the ball at him. It enters his body and disintegrates him from the inside out and reforming the young boy. Back on Earth Goten and Trunks feel their fathers' ki and they fuse into Gotenks. Using their patented Super Ghost Kamikaze attack they quickly eradicate the rest of the undead including Hitler's army.

DBZ Movie 13: Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Can't Do It Who Can?


Movie 13 starts when an old man named Hoi is attempting a suicide by jumping from a building. Videl and Gohan go save him and afterwards he tells them that he just attempted suicide to get an audience with them. He tells them that he has an oracle and can't open it and wants to know if they can. Gohan and Videl try but they too cannot open it. They take Hoi and the oracle to Goku and he has no success as well. They all decide to get the dragon balls to wish the box open.

After all the balls are collected they summon Shenlon and he easily grants their wish. Out of the oracle comes an ocarina playing warrior named Tapion. He gets pissed that they let him out and runs off to an abandoned warehouse. That night all the z warriors have a cook out and Trunks sneaks some food out to Tapion. Tapion gets mad at his presence so he leaves the food and goes.

The same night a monster with no upper body attacks the city. Gohan is able to fight it off and it eventually disappears but no one knows where it came from or what it is.

A while later Hoi tries to get the ocarina from Tapion. Trunks interferes and helps Tapion retain the ocarina. After the incident Tapion becomes friends with Trunks and eventually Trunks invites him over. That night, after Trunks goes to bed, Tapion tells Bulma of his past. He tells her that on his home planet there was a terrible monster named Hildegarn. Tapion and his brother Minosha used two ocarinas to stop the monster while a priest cut him in half with a mystic sword. They then sealed one half of the body in Tapion and the other in Minosha and then sealed the two in separate oracles and spread the two across the universe. This is why Tapion was so mad when he was released.

Bulma tells him that she could make a bedroom that could stop the monster from escaping. Tapion is very happy and Bulma gets started right away. After the room was finished Tapion moved in and went to sleep. Unfortunately the room didn't work and the upper half of Hildegarn escaped and joined with the lower half.

All the z warriors start fighting the monster but they are totally out matched. Even when Vegeta joins in the monster still pulverizes the warriors. Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks and finally seem to get the monster subdued until Hildegarn transforms into an even stronger being. Tapion once again tries to trap the monster within him and is successful. He then gives Trunks his sword and tells him to kill him while the monster is trapped. Trunks refuses at first but ultimately decides to do it. Right then, though, Tapion loses control and Hildegarn is released.
Goku now knows what he has to do. He turns SSJ3 and starts fighting the monster. Hildegarn is outmatched and Goku lays the final blow with his powerful Dragon Fist attack. All returns to normal and Bulma builds a time machine for Tapion. Before he leaves Tapion gives Trunks his famous sword.